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Author Topic: For Swifty, marketeering for n00bs  (Read 2626 times)


  • Proconsul
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For Swifty, marketeering for n00bs
« on: 14 August 2009, 02:52:31 pm »
First post - 10 days in

This miniguide was born out of an experiment I've been conducting on Justice, and somebody complaining they had no cash. The aim is to show that anybody can make money on the market.

The experiment: started 9 June

I had no vills and 6 free slots on Justice, start from scratch and make enough cash to fully IO my new stalker and see what's left.

Phase 1 - getting the seed capital.

Just play the game (preferably solo so you get more drops) up to level 10 or so, and sell any salvage you drop on the market or to vendors if they pay better.

At level 10/11 when the number of recipes you can hold grows, have a look for rare "useless" sets. Call of the sandman and the snipes were good for me. Go to the BM (I think the one in PO is closer to a vendor than the one in mercy), and see what you can pick up for 2K or less. Rare set IOs vendor for 200xlevel so 10K at 50. Carrying a load of 10 to the vendor can net you 80K+ in no time.

Another dodge I used was to make a VG on Justice and with Nightfall's help, fill the server with alts and get them invited to the group. This gave me enough prestige after a short while to create a base and get some enhancement storage in it.

Once this was done, I levelled one of the alts to 5 (to get more transaction slots), and bought a load of 40-50 SOs for <5K each on my stalker or less and stuck them in storage. I then used the (disposable) alt to sell the SOs at full sale price by respecing several times using my vetspecs. This gave the alt upwards of 1M, which meant that when my main dropped an IO recipe that I thought was worth crafting and selling, I'd craft it, stick it in the base and have the alt sell it (and the alt had enough for the listing fees).

This kept the transaction slots on my main free for:

Phase 2 - flipping salvage

The aim is simply to buy low and sell high. Aim for turnover, so don't bid stupidly low or list stupidly high.

The idea is to spot a commodity where the last 5 sales profile looks like:


What's going on here is that somebody is bidding on a stack of them at 12345 and relisting them at a higher amount. So you put bids in on a stack for 12346 (or 13001 or whatever) to outbid the flipper and get a stack of 10 for yourself which you'll relist at say 29999. Your priority is getting sales fast at a decent profit, rather than wringing as much as you can out of every bit of salvage. You can reuse the transaction slot to earn more money.

I found midrange common salvage was a good place to start, several of them you could buy for 3-5K a time so 30-50K for a stack of 10, and resell at 10-15K each. Once you've turned over plenty of those transactions, you can go after the big money. Plenty of the 40-50 uncommons can be bought at say 40K and sold at >150, and rares bought at <500K and sold at 7-800.

What I did was to flip stacks of 10 rares, but often only sell 9 and put one in salvage storage in the base for constructing my set IOs.

Where am I now ?

I have a fully IOd toon with a couple of shinies (steadfast res/def and performance shifter +end) and some IOs that weren't cheap (3 eradication sets of 4 including the quad, 2 kinetic combat sets of 4) and 50M+ in the bank at level 33 and will be softcapped with something to spare against smash/lethal/energy at level 36 when I get slots in weave.


  • Proconsul
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Re: For Swifty, marketeering for n00bs
« Reply #1 on: 14 August 2009, 02:55:05 pm »
Second post, just under 5 weeks in

Where did it go from there ?

The next thing I did was to get all the 10-40 crafting badges, this was actually probably a mistake. It didn't cost much cash, but lots of the results are just trash and got deleted, although the 25-30s are worth crafting for extra salvage slots, and some of the 35-40s can be sold for a profit. This cost me a couple of days where I wasn't flipping much salvage.

Then I got selected 45-50 crafting badges, and started crafting common IOs to sell, and this seriously ramped up the cash. I created a load of alts to sell my IOs, levelled them to 3-6 to get some auction slots and parked them at the BM. The routine would be to use the base TPer, fill up with 10 IOs from storage, and reemerge from the base back at the market to put them on sale. A level 50 IO crafts for about 200-270K depending on what it is and what salvage is required. I put most of them up at 450 or 480 and most sold for 500. I did get field crafter for the first time off this.

I went past the 1BN net worth Sat July 11, with only 1 drop worth 10 million or more, a purple I sold for 70M. I am currently level 48.9.

I crafted any drops I got, selling most through the lowbies to avoid slot blocking. Given how long they take to sell, I would be inclined to be much more selective in which ones I craft now. If an IO will make you 3M profit, but blocks a slot from which you could have sold 12 common level 50 crafted IOs in the same time period, then it's costing you cash.


  • Proconsul
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Re: For Swifty, marketeering for n00bs
« Reply #2 on: 14 August 2009, 03:00:35 pm »
Now a month further on, I have nearly 4BN on Justice, have moved on to less active marketeering and am crafting some set IOs and selling them on. Niches are not static, for example I bought a load of 50 LotG defence for 25M, sold them over double XP for 45-50, but now the crafted enhancements only go for 25.

Sorry for splitting this over 3 posts, but copying in from the eurocore forums seemed to make these ones go apeshit.


  • Proconsul
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Re: For Swifty, marketeering for n00bs
« Reply #3 on: 15 August 2009, 04:46:50 am »

Thank you =)

I can now start to afford my shopping =)


  • Proconsul
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Re: For Swifty, marketeering for n00bs
« Reply #4 on: 17 August 2009, 11:58:25 am »
Thanks Mino, I have been salvage flipping and selling common crafted IO's that at the moment has netted me around 40mil in three days, still a long way to go.


  • Proconsul
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Re: For Swifty, marketeering for n00bs
« Reply #5 on: 17 August 2009, 12:16:07 pm »
A level 50 IO crafts for about 200-270K depending on what it is and what salvage is required. I put most of them up at 450 or 480 and most sold for 500.

One quick question Mino, which common IO's are these? The majority of Lv 50 common IO's that I saw cost 300-400k just to craft.


  • Proconsul
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Re: For Swifty, marketeering for n00bs
« Reply #6 on: 17 August 2009, 12:41:34 pm »
Read this:

this is the guide to getting field crafter, but gives the numbers required for memorisation.

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