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Author Topic: Paul  (Read 1775 times)


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« on: 5 June 2008, 02:13:04 pm »
Hi all,

I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right thread but i'm new to the guild and just wanted to do a quick introduction;
My real name is (guess what) Paul and so is my lvl 70 pally
in real life I have a wife and 1 son, 1 son is on the way (expected time of arrival 18th of august 2008)
I'm a prison guard and i'm 24 years old.
i'm from the Netherlands.

My pally is holy build, 41/20
armory link:
well hope to see you ingame


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Re: Paul
« Reply #1 on: 5 June 2008, 03:50:20 pm »
Welcome Paul.

OH Know another Pally :D

I was a tankadin up until last week now i have specced holy.

I also have a little one on the way around october 22nd.

if you are around tonight i should be on trying toi get into the raid group :P


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Re: Paul
« Reply #2 on: 5 June 2008, 04:55:44 pm »
Hi Paul I'm Mark I have a load of characters in KOM and am Guild master for our PVP Horde Guild.
In KOM I'm Jarlene, Gortak, Mambo, Dipcot to name a few.

Nice to meet you



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Re: Paul
« Reply #3 on: 5 June 2008, 11:30:02 pm »
Good to have to aboard Paul, take a look around the forums there's some handy stuff about but it's a bit all over the place.

 Since i'm posting this after the raid you did really well tonight lets hope you stay,

Mags doesn't do signatures but if he did they would be the best in the world


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Re: Paul
« Reply #4 on: 6 June 2008, 08:55:24 am »
I hope your wife isnt making you wear pyjamas as punishment after last night :P


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Re: Paul
« Reply #5 on: 6 June 2008, 10:15:00 pm »
haha no no, all went well lol
no pyama's for me ;)

tnx I hope to raid again soon with you guys


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Re: Paul
« Reply #6 on: 27 June 2008, 12:47:46 pm »

Here is my current retri build just for your inspection. I use it for both pvp and pve.

Just to explain it:


Row 1: Benediction(5/5). Obvious choice for a Ret Pally. Reduces the amount of mana of your seals and judgements. They will be your seconds most used spells so getting them to cost as least amount of mana as possible is vitaly, especially as you will have to stock up on strength and hit/crit rating now rather than int, stam, and spell hit/crit.

Row 2: Improved Judgement (2/2). Lets face it, we get buggered over by the length of our judgement, and considering it is our second highest output of damage, the quick we can judge things, the more DPS we do.
            Defelction (3/5). Basically I take this just to fill the row, but being able to deflect hits is always good so the plus 3% chance can come in handy.

Row 3: Vindication (3/3). A major one for pvp pallies. Reducing enemies attributes stopping them from hitting on you is great, especially if your fighting a warrior. :D  The bad thing about this is that most elite mobs and bosses in dungeons are immune to this affect which makes this a bad pve talent so for raiding I'd remove this from your talents and spend the point elsewhere.
            Conviction (5/5). Its always good to crit that extra bit more, and not only that, it leads to vengeance which when at full tilt you can really tell the damage increase.
            Seal of Command (1/1). Great seal, I use this for my instant damage output, which if you have enough spell crit, can sometimes come out at upwards of 1.5k (think my record is 1954 :D). It also gives you a damage boost on normal hits, dealing an extra load of holy damage to the target.

Row 4: Eye for an Eye (2/2). Its always ncie to see that pain in the arse mage who deals that killing critical hit get some of their own medicine back. :D Great in pvp when one of one against spell casters, it can swing the battle for you.

Row 5: Two-Handed Weapon Specialisation (3/3). Obvious really, ret pallies carry massive 2H weapons (or should xD), so every bit of extra damage you can deal is always good in pvp and pve.
            Sanctity Aura (1/1). This helps with both pve and pvp. Considering your main damage output as a pally is Holy, then its kinda logical to increase the amount of Holy Damage you do. :D  The reason I have not gone for Improved Sanctity Aura is because I think that jsut 2% extra damage is overal that much, so I have used the point elsewhere.

Row 6: Vengeance (5/5). Yet again, me going for the extra damage. 15% is a rather large percentage to be honest in my opinion and considering you will crit a lot, you will more than likely have this on constantly all the while your beating on soemthing ro someone. Great pvp and pve talent I think. You can tell when you've proc'd it. :D
            Sanctified Judgement (3/3). Same as Benediction in Row 1. Your judgements are your second biggest damage dealing move, and considering mana may be an issue, you will want to save as much as possible, and regain as much as possible.

Row 7: Sanctified Seals (3/3). Increase crit chance is always nice, and the 100% chance to reduce the dispell of your judgements is great in pvp, especially when you have an annoying warrior. :P
            Repentance (1/1). One stun is great, two stuns is fantastic. :D Enough said. :P
            Devine Purpose (3/3). It always nice to take less damage, so 10% off all critical hit taken is nice, especially for those damn hunters. ¬.¬

Row 8: Fanaticism (5/5). Increasing crit chance on judgements is great, with the added effect of reduced threat also means I can go all out in an instance and if the tank is up to the job then I won't pull. :D Tis great!

Row 9: Crusader Strike (1/1). The biggest single damaging move for a Ret pally. Enough said really, you need this to be Ret. :P Just as a note also, this counts as a strike, not a spell even though it uses mana so spell crit will not aid this (as far as I have found). That also means you can use use this even when silenced. :D


Row 1: Divine Strength (5/5). More strength, more power. LEss strength needed through sockets this way but even more strength is great. Helps with the power of Crusader Strike and normal hiting.
            Divine Intellect (5/5). More mana, the longer you can go without stopping, the more damage you can do overal. Also helps with spell crit chance so will ai judgements more.

Row 3: Aura Mastery (1/1). I basically took this for arena and battle purposes so I can still help people even when they are out of range of my casted spells. The 10 yards can help, as me and Neo have found out in arena. :P
            Improved LoH (2/2). Took this for pve and battleground purposes, the 30% armour bonus buff given from this is great and the reduced cooldow is also really nice.
            Unyielding Faith (2/2). Nice to be able to resist thing, even better when you stand there smashing a noob warlock who is burning their mana attempting to fear you. xD

So that is my build, now for what you asked for. You wanted Ret but to get down to Reckoning in Prot. Now it is do-able but you will have to miss out the top part of the Ret tree. Below I have made a talent tree doing this.

Basically what I have done is got you Reckoning in Prot and then have done the Ret tree, but as you see we miss out a load of great moves for pvp and pve from Ret by doing this. The second build I made was incorporating the Ret build and what I thought was nessasary from there, and then I went as far into Prot getting what I thought applied to the build that you asked for.

This is basically my Retribution build, but then I have used the final points in Protection to attempt to get you down as far as possible.


Row 1: Improved Devotion Aura (5/5). Basically just to fill the row but I thought this more nessasary rather than redoubt as you wo't be using a sheild and atleast then you will be able to provide extra armour if you are asked to put on Devotion Aura in an instance.

Row 2: Toughness (5/5). Improved armour is great for reducing damage so why not get it? :P 10% extra armour is quite a big percentage to be honest so it can make quite a large difference.

Row 3: Blessing of Kings (1/1). No doubt you will use this over anything else, and finally we can shut up all of those annoying people in battle who join and immediatly ask for Kings.
            Improved Righteous Fury (3/3). I took this as it can reduce the amount of damage taken, and as I said before, less damage is great, means you can last longer. :D
            Anticipation (1/5). Only had one point left and defense skill can work in well in pvp.

Well, thats the best I could do at short notice. If there is anything else just left me know and I'll look into it or give you my opinion or whatever is needed.

Hope this has helped a bit.

- James


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Re: Paul
« Reply #7 on: 27 June 2008, 01:38:32 pm »
If you like PVP btw you are welcome to join our sister guild which is a Horde guild on the PVP server spinebreaker.
It's a completely different game and it would be great to have your advice and input.

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