I really need your help on Spinebreaker in the Guild "Most Wanted".
I have been trying to run this guild now for some months and they really are a rabble.
We all share teamspeak as we play. We share money and other stuff and we all stay at about the same level.
Despite the server being one of the most dangerous and hostile in any game. They really aren't taking this seriously.
We play all times but mostly Wednesday evenings and we always play as a team.
I never thought I'd come across another player who's jokes were worse than Rachels or Debs (until Bryan joined us) and now with this new guy Brodski it's gotten worse. I need your help it's more like a carry on film than a serious PVP game. They don't even mind losing!
I am an undead, demon summoning skeleton in a skirt and I will be taken seriously. Can you help me. We are capped at level 29 so it's very easy to fully participate quickly.
We are short an Ice Mage and maybe some more Warriors or Druids. Candidates should -
- Not be of the view that Warlocks are "to be seen and not heard"
Do not think "Mind Flay" is peculiar sexual practise and therefore snigger
Should not name their pet pig after other (very important) guild members
Should not scream "Kiss my Axe" after every kill
Do not suggest "more hugs" as an alternative PVP strategy
Thank you
Mark (Skarab)