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Author Topic: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush  (Read 15616 times)


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PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« on: 28 November 2007, 01:50:05 pm »
Does anyone fancy joining a small group together from lvl 1 to start adventuring from scratch on Tuesdays 8.00 - 11.00 Server time

But there's a twist....

Total PVP

Character creation/development  is entirely dedicated to creating a 5 man PVP team (oh that's what the survival tree is for!). 

5 different races 5 different sets of skills. Must have a healer... total teamwork..

The aim would be to:
  • Do battlegrounds
    PVP including against each other
    Do instances to get PVP goodies
    Learn about the other side of the game
    Become a team that knows each others strengths/styles etc and does well in arenas

and then just fights everyone.

The team would be beautifully balanced and designed as a group.
I might even suggest Horde (any views) as they can get into battlegrounds quicker and are more likley to be in the same team.

Oooh bagsy me an Ice Mage



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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #1 on: 28 November 2007, 05:15:56 pm »
hmm, 5 man teams actually do best with one dedicated healer [pally since the bubble is just too powerful] and a hybrid class which can heal if needed i.e. a priest with a lot of +damage gear to facilitate his healing if he leaves shadow form, a oomkin druid which is a bad idea since they are generally very situational and not consistently good, or a elemental/healing shammy which is generally the best choice.

 In terms of whats left, you want a nice balance of good PVP builds so dagger rogue's, shadow priests, destruction locks, fury warriors and ice mages are the major archetypes

IF this helps
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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #2 on: 28 November 2007, 05:49:37 pm »
Yeah the feedback I've had are pallys are a must. The reason I was given was that they take longer to take down so the enemy gets confused because typically the healer is the first target. With a pally you have to decide whether that's going to take too long. It's great for the pally also as they become critical in the fight.

Locks and shammys are absolutely brilliant is a tight corner so long as they are controlled by good players. Locks have fewer ways of surviving a beating but boy can they dish it out. Shammys are tough because they have so many things that they can do and are so damn adaptable. Imagine a shammy in the hands of a great player (so not me then!!).

You are right about the two healing classes though and speccing them both is really interesting.

Pally, Shammy, Mage hmmmm

... you never said if you'd be interested Mags?



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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #3 on: 29 November 2007, 09:34:48 am »
Well commiting myself 4 nights a week may kill me, :D nah seriously it's cos i'm usually out for at least some of Tuesday evenings, more than me not wanting to level with you guys. I got a shammy i am [slowly] leveling who is gonna be elemental with a bit of healing possibly, so I can use him? He's about twenty something.
Mags doesn't do signatures but if he did they would be the best in the world


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #4 on: 29 November 2007, 10:48:32 pm »
I'll hav a go if you like. I have a 13 shadow priest already on the go and in the guild (Donepton) but I'll take to a new role if you like. I've played shadow priest before, got a 36 on Darkspear server. I love pvp. If you look at the guild tab in social you'll probably see me in a major city about to do pvp or you'll see me in a BG. You can ask Neodragus for reasurance if you like because he seems to think im pritty handy in pvp. Im not too bad with warriors either. I have a 42 fury warrior on Darkspear also. As you can see when I'm online, I'm not too bad with the old pallies either. If you need another role filling, I'm always willing. Have a rogue on the go at the moment as well, was going to twink him at 19 just for a bit of fun :)  Anyways, reply back if you want me or not or just catch me in game under this name. :)


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #5 on: 29 November 2007, 11:17:03 pm »
Seems like a really interesting Idea, i'd be up for it, anything in particular you want me to play as? this could be an excuse to make me play that shaman of mine! = D


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #6 on: 30 November 2007, 02:14:02 pm »
My ideas are only developing I thought I'd ask everybody first what they wanted to play and how they wanted to do it.

An ideal world would have us on a PVP server as Horde. I say Horde becuase they have better access to battle grounds. The other reason is, that in most servers Alliance outnumber Hordies 2 or 3 to 1. There's no point building a group of 5 on Alliance only to not find anyone to argue with.

I thought maybe start from stractch - lots of duelling amongst ourselves and with others. And, plenty of instance runs for better gear mixed with plenty of battles for better gear. For a while we twink a bit as well.

We can really work up a team that work well together an know each other really well. leveling is much quicker now as well.

Neo and yourself Palladinftw would be ideal. I know you are both great players. I've played with Neo lots of times and he's a great team player.
How does that scenario sound?



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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #7 on: 3 December 2007, 10:12:51 am »

Neo and yourself Palladinftw would be ideal. I know you are both great players. I've played with Neo lots of times and he's a great team player.
How does that scenario sound?


Aww shucks man, never knew u felt that way = p
Me an pala here together IRL and we agree, sign us both up for it! = D

if people wanna talk more about this u can carry this on, in here or u can add us on msn or something = ) Mines and Pala's is


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #8 on: 3 December 2007, 01:01:24 pm »
We need two more players of course so let's keep the discussion here for now.
Are you guys OK with PVP realm & Horde, Tuesday evenings for starters?

Also (and critically) what characters would you like to play?
I think so far we know that we need a Pally (don't know what spec) and maybe a Shammy (elemental spec).
Neo you wanna try that elemental shammy that you mentioned? (I think it has to be elemental 'cos of that massive totem at the end of the talent tree).

Also if Horde you might want to think whether you want Taurun for extra health or Orc for extra damage.
If you go Tauren - in the spirit of optimisation - you might be the flower picker!!

As for the pally - well we know what race that is!



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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #9 on: 3 December 2007, 03:47:47 pm »
We need two more players of course so let's keep the discussion here for now.
Are you guys OK with PVP realm & Horde, Tuesday evenings for starters?

Also (and critically) what characters would you like to play?
I think so far we know that we need a Pally (don't know what spec) and maybe a Shammy (elemental spec).
Neo you wanna try that elemental shammy that you mentioned? (I think it has to be elemental 'cos of that massive totem at the end of the talent tree).

Also if Horde you might want to think whether you want Taurun for extra health or Orc for extra damage.
If you go Tauren - in the spirit of optimisation - you might be the flower picker!!

As for the pally - well we know what race that is!

Well... I don't mind what I am... anything works really... I'll just have to learn the class. I can play pally or lock or anything really so just say an i'll make it.


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #10 on: 3 December 2007, 04:27:25 pm »
I'll put you down for "anything". I'm a bit the same I'll play whatever is needed.

I'm going to ask advice on the healer stuff. Assuming we have a Pally and a Shammy elemental in reserve and won't be having a big tree of a druid - then what's the best combo?

I'm a bit nervous about suggesting a Preist even a shadow preist. I just think that any softie seen healing has a 5-man arena lifespan of about 5 seconds.

Does anyone out there have any experience of this?



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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #11 on: 4 December 2007, 10:13:12 am »
I'll put you down for "anything". I'm a bit the same I'll play whatever is needed.

I'm going to ask advice on the healer stuff. Assuming we have a Pally and a Shammy elemental in reserve and won't be having a big tree of a druid - then what's the best combo?

I'm a bit nervous about suggesting a Preist even a shadow preist. I just think that any softie seen healing has a 5-man arena lifespan of about 5 seconds.

Does anyone out there have any experience of this?


Yes, I have experience of this, Clothies generally don't manage to live if they are the first to be hit and have a slow reaction time, but I have a pretty quick reaction time as do a few of my mates (Paladinftw) gotta be ready with that aoe fear button = p and, i'm pretty happy with whatever, I'd love to be that Shaman as I love shaman, as I can then concentrate on disrupting heals with my lovely earth shock = D as far the rest of the group, I think warlocks and / or mages are a good idea, Druids actually seem like a really great idea, and I would love to play the druid as theres so much to do and remember and I love having roles like that, because, talking with a mate of mine who's got a lvl 70 druid on our server, they seem pretty awesome = D, plus in my newest guild when we're pvping they seem to hate druids! Discepline priests are the best out of the priest choices for arena aswell (my druid friend is very smart = p) I just enjoy having rogues, general subtlety or assasination which I would also love to use, shamans are a different thing to talk about though, the elementals only pretty good where as resto ones are really good healers for arena! I can interrogate my friend about this stuff a bit more if u guys want me too = p


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #12 on: 4 December 2007, 10:24:16 am »
I'll play the pally healer if you like. I've got loads of experience with healers, have a 36 priest on darkspear which im pritty handy with that heal button. I love playing pally as well so...meh :P

But if someone else has already put their name down for healing, I'm always up for trying out new things so I'll do the mage if you like cause i've not tried one properly before.

I think that a shammy is a definate for 5vs5 areana cos most n00by 5vs5 teams always seem to run oput togeather an I think they would be very easy to do over with a shammies chain lightening. Also I would probably prefer a frosty mage over a lock just cause of its freezing spells to slow down the oponents. A druid in Boomkin form would be something as well. In think a warrior would also have to be in just for the amount of damage they can cause. And a healer would have to be something with high armour so a pally would be perfect.
« Last Edit: 4 December 2007, 11:23:31 am by Paladinftw »


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #13 on: 4 December 2007, 12:12:24 pm »
OK Then:

Jimbo (is that right?) - Pally
Neo -  Shaman or Druid
Mark - Undecided but might do Lock (they just seem so good) or Ice Mage

No Preists (and I would say Hunters) need apply unless someone is passionate about making it work.

So we have a vacancy for PVP
Shammy or Druid

Hopefully, as we get more people to read the forum, we can get some volunteers.



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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #14 on: 4 December 2007, 02:17:29 pm »
Hmm, well there are some interesting points made here, at some clarification could be done with, I guess my first point is about shadow priests, quite possibly one of the best spec for solo/small group PVP with the exception of the lock who is kickin ass atm. Apart from their AoE fear with a ridiculously low CD, they regen health for all the party, DoT everyone, can heal if needed and you would really have to be an idiot to let an enemy hit you first [few exceptions here, rogue rather obviously and a charging warrior] also remeber they can bubble, and fear ward the whole group.

   You may not want one, but don't go underestimating the shadow priest. My second point is about druids, which I guess you could call my specialty. It would be fair to say that they've got harder what with the ATP increases and auto shift meaning a feral can actually power shift [whereby a druid morphs out and back in to cat form effectively gaining him 40 energy] with a sufficient mana base. Problem is you loose most of the cool situational abilities of a druid if your in feral form.
   The main things to talk about here are cyclone with it's very short cast time and entangling roots which as you can guess is a root attack. If you want to talk about sitting ducks try putting a non shifted druid in to a arena match. It's great cos everyone automatically assumes your healing and the rogues own you :D If you want to win consistently, you need a plan and a druid is not made for that, only with 5 experienced PVPers could you really go for this.

  I guess my point is you want 5 people in a team to make tactics and having an unpredictable character can make things harder to plan, i'd say stick with the obvious PVP choices since they are generally the best. Pally, Shammy, Lock, Rogue or fury warrior and shadow priest.
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