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Author Topic: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush  (Read 15617 times)


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #30 on: 22 December 2007, 09:35:56 pm »
But with Shotz, Nuka (the week-play character with Swifty) and Kali (Bank), I think I'm already starting to get back into my alt-whore ways. I *will* have one level 70 on any server before I make a single other alt! >:(

Practice this phrase

"Sod off Swifty!"

 it'll help with the Alt-whoring ;)
When eyeing a large and dangerous mob...
...A Tanker says, "Stay here while I distract them with my rock hard (granite) body."
...A Brute says, "Stay here while I let them kill me so I can kill them faster!"
...A Scrapper says, "Stay here while I.....ya know what, screw it---CHARGE!11!!1!!11!!1!!


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #31 on: 22 December 2007, 09:44:57 pm »
I've made my character. Name is Eyecandi (some biatch took it with a y ¬.¬). Am a lvl6 almost lvl7 BElf pally, Mark is 5 I think and is an Undead lock, don't know much about Neo's char as far as it's a troll xD. Join us if you can, the more the marrier as far as we see but 10 I think is the ultimate limit to this.


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #32 on: 22 December 2007, 11:09:40 pm »
Practice this phrase

"Sod off Swifty!"

 it'll help with the Alt-whoring ;)

I'll bear it in mind. Trouble is I'm an alt whore too. I might see you there within a month or two ;)


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #33 on: 24 December 2007, 10:21:03 am »
Yes it seems spinebreaker lives up to its name.

I made an undead Lock (nice 'n ugly) walked out of the starting area (which i think is a chapel) and was challenged to a duel. Jeez I hadn't even put my sheild up yet. But wot ho. First quest, PVP, second quest, PVP then just PVP PVP PVP...

By the time I was level 5 I'd beaten a lvl 7 Rogue and a lvl 6 Mage.  By lvl 6 I'd done more PVPing than I've ever done in Shadowsong. Brill looked like Redhill on a Friday night only with er.. undead people. Oh OK - just the same then.

.. and then a Dwarf turned up....

Anyway we've got a Pally, Lock and Rogue. We also have a Warrior (I couldn't resist the name Trubble) if we need to swap around.

Neo is very excited and wants to play every night so feel free to have a look at the server it really is a unique experience. And if you do fancy an instance - we'll be there on Tuesadys.


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #34 on: 24 December 2007, 11:35:37 pm »
I'd say 5 rogues or 5 druids would be awesome too.

Talk about powerattack with 5 ambushes :D


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #35 on: 25 December 2007, 12:35:56 pm »
I made a Belf rogue for the silence and magicresistance.

Name is: Indescent.


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #36 on: 26 December 2007, 08:14:57 pm »
When I get sum more time, i'll probably make a preist of sum kind just so that we hav another healer/DPS on the team incase we need a change. Will do that and post details once I've got more time but my brother has just changed the card on which the subscription was registered too and isn't able to re-register another subscription until tomorrow at least.

Also the pally is now lvl 8 if you were wondering.

Another thing, Mark, since you have the caster of the group at the moment, could you make a mage as i think that the crowd control aspect of it could come in handy, as well as the never ending supply of food and water that we would have. :)
« Last Edit: 26 December 2007, 09:32:02 pm by Paladinftw »


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #37 on: 26 December 2007, 10:11:19 pm »
Ok, so I have no WoW time atm and I'm bored as hell, so I made myself a talent tree for Eyecandi. Check it out and please say what you think and feel in here. Link is:
« Last Edit: 26 December 2007, 10:25:32 pm by Paladinftw »


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #38 on: 30 December 2007, 04:27:00 pm »
But with Shotz, Nuka (the week-play character with Swifty) and Kali (Bank), I think I'm already starting to get back into my alt-whore ways. I *will* have one level 70 on any server before I make a single other alt! >:(

Practice this phrase

"Sod off Swifty!"

 it'll help with the Alt-whoring ;)

Doesn't matter too much. I have rolled Happyhoof. He is a tauren druid. Thinking about going feral. Wont be able to do tuesdays, but I hear tale that there might be some on other nights

for build was thinking this:

« Last Edit: 30 December 2007, 04:38:24 pm by Swifty »


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #39 on: 31 December 2007, 12:59:51 pm »
Meh PVP build

Important point to note for any aspiring druid for really high lvel had stuff is the use of nature's grasp (removes nasty felguards and other pets without you having to do anything), the other really important thing is the increased stun length since you'll be starting all fight with a stun then mangle rip till they can move then maim. This is of vcourse only for high level but it's important to know.
  One other great thing you got if your a tauren is warstomp, don't forget about it since you can stun then shift heal
Mags doesn't do signatures but if he did they would be the best in the world


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #40 on: 31 December 2007, 03:33:09 pm »
An Update

The roll call so far is...

Myself - Lock
Tord - Rogue
James - Paladin
Marcus - Mage
Mark (swifty) - Druid
Neo - Rogue
Mags - come on Dan!!

Rachel is going to do a random to help with my Guild charter. There's also a couple more who have expressed an interest.

My Lock is lvl 18. The plan is we all will wait at lvl 19 so we can twink a bit together. So Skarab will be is Warsong gulch for a while untill everbody is at the same level. There seems to be actiovity most days which is cool.




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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #41 on: 1 January 2008, 03:12:07 am »
Pally is now lvl 10. my tailoring is 61 and enchanting 34. I can make 6 slot bags for whoever wants them and can do varius enchants:

Chest - Minor Mana (+5), Minor Health(+5),
Bracers - Minor Health(+5), Minor Deflection(+5 Defense),
Lesser Magic Wand.


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #42 on: 2 January 2008, 04:41:01 am »
Ok, so to those of you who were on as their pvp hordies earlier, I'm sorry for the mess that happened. My pally is, of this moment, still trpped exiting the instance and I don't know why. :S I was reporting it to a GM but got fed up with the wait. My plan of action is to hope that the problem is sorted with the restarting of the servers this night, and if not then I'll have to attempt to talk to a GM about it, and if all else fails, I think the only thing that would be left is to restart the character from scratch (deleting and re-creating) which I hope it doesn't come to.

Just incase you didn't get the full story, After I had done and enchant on Swifty, I then went to exit the instance and have been trapped in a loading screen from there that moment. :'(

But on the brighter side of life, the pally is now 13, tailoring is now up at around 76, and enchanting is around 47 as far as I can remember. After the incident, as you know, I made a shammy called Shamanftw which is now level 6 and after spending some time on a private server I also now have a mage called Mageyftw who is level 3 but the server is being restarted. :P

Hopefully I will be back on the pally soon, if not I hope for the best.

MOD: After the restart of the server, pally was freed and so I can now play on. ^^ I have just done my pally quest so I can now res people. :)
« Last Edit: 2 January 2008, 05:46:53 am by Paladinftw »


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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #43 on: 2 January 2008, 08:50:28 am »
Good to see you back James
We are doing another Ragefire chasm run this evening. I will take my Ice Mage alt as I've hit the lvl 19 waiting button with Skarab.

"Pebbles" has joined the guild we are up to 7 people now I'll start a new thread to try and get the remaining 3. I have been given the names of another three who might be interested - let's see. 



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Re: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush
« Reply #44 on: 2 January 2008, 11:56:51 am »
Well I have 2 alts who can sign the charter if needed unless you want to start the guild with as many different people as you can. And I'm sure that one of the others has an alt aswell so thats our 10. :)

Forlorn Hope  |  The Attic  |  General World of Warcraft Discussion (Moderators: JohnO, icemaiden, Hercule)  |  Topic: PVP Tuesdays Evening - very hush hush

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