Swiftstar is up for this. Being only 61 she is kinda in range and would mean that i get to do some stuff with you all =D
Since I may of been the only one to go in to naxx at 60, I think I should point out the difficulty involved in that this instance was ridiculously hard at 60 (I may of told you about a fight with 1 pull in the whole instance with spiders which did more damage to the raid group than the whole onyxia fight) and so is really only likely with a 25 man group. It does leave the option open for lower levels to come with us o older raids i.e. AQ20, ZG, Ony and possiby MC. The problem that we have is we are not a hardcore raiding guild which means raids are 3 nights a week and when a top level is given a choice between doing an instance where they can get loot and one where they can't, the choice is pretty obvious. Thats our only problem, I for one will do anything I can to keep everyone in the guild happy but the majority will win, maybe a one off event if planned properly could help out some?
Its a good idea as it will start giving people Raid experience as your leveling, rather than the batism of fire that you will get when we chuck you into kara or ZA.Has Mark been bending you ear about naxxramas then?we will see what we can sort out.If you download GEM - Guild event manager - you can post what instance you want to goto in game and people can sign up who agree to help in said instance.Most of us are happy to help in the lower instance - i mean hey most of us have enough alts to go in at the right level .
Paladinftw - during the day on sunday i will try to be available and get a few of us doing the old raids if you like. Maybe ZG or something since it doesnt need attunement and is quite fun. ( i know mags likes it)