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Author Topic: Swift bit of fluff:  (Read 1975 times)


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Swift bit of fluff:
« on: 14 February 2005, 04:10:59 pm »
Here is my first attempt at writing fluff for Swift. Feel free to pick it apart or suggest ideas for thing to add / remove / change. I hope to expand it for my own enjoyment but I thought I would post my first entry for you to get all vulture like on.

Be kind  :)

2Lt Mannan often did this, running down the roads and streets, before leaping high into the air, landing and continuing the run. The wind blasted on his face and his open jacket flapped violently in the rush as he approached the entrance to the training grounds.

After a quick shower and a change into his uniform he went over to the command building to get his orders. As he entered the command room someone shouted and the men and women at the consoles snapped to attention. They held the pose, the lights of the dark room flickering on their tired faces, until he had passed through and gone into the briefing room.

‘Ladies and gentle men,’ a loud voice boomed, ‘Now we are all here’ the hard face of the man at the front of the room glared at Mannan as he sat down at his place around the table. The man was Brigadier Jones, a tough welsh-man who had joined the army at sixteen and had known nothing since. He wore his issue DPM ‘95 uniform, perfectly pressed. His cap badge showed he was from Military Intelligence and he filled the room with his commanding presence.

‘The Prototype has left the lab and is on its way. It will still take a couple of months to get here, as it is not being given transport. It must make its own way here while under the protection of another member of the organisation. Upon arrival it will be immediately sent out to Paragon City start the field test. We must know if this new weapon can help us defend ourselves. The loss of Hero 1 has left Britain dangerously undefended and if the Rikti become to much of a problem to handle for our Friends across the water to handle we must have a way to deal with them.’

A silence flooded the room, as everyone knew what this meant. The brigadier started to pace the room

‘You are to leave immediately for America and then to Paragon City.’ The brigadier’s voice had a slight tone to it but Mannan could not workout what it was. ‘Once there you are all to make contact with the people who have been arranged to introduce you to the city and its problems.’

He glanced around the room and paused on each of them as if he was looking at them for the last time. This time when he spoke there was a hint of concern in his voice.

‘I wont lie to you, things are bad out there. The heroes are doing their best but this issue with the Rikti has got us worried. Be careful, get to know the city and make some friends. You will have about six months before the prototype turns up.’

He walked back to the lectern and started once more, this time his voice had returned to its normal deep, strong, powerful tone. ‘Your contact details and code name are in the packs in front of you’ this is what you were selected for and this is what you have been training for. Gain knowledge of the ground in Paragon and, when it arrives, protect the prototype at all costs. Good day people’

They all got up to leave and Mannan was just thinking about going for another run when he heard the brigadier voice call him back.

‘Yes Sir?’ he said as he approached the large officer. For the first time he noticed the many scars that crossed the man’s face, scars that could have only been gained in one hell of a fight.

‘While you are out there you will be our main agent. All the others will be given their own trials to prepare them, but you are going to do something a bit more than that.’ The old man paused for a minute, looking at the floor and then the wall. ‘We need you to enter the Rikti crash site and check it out before the prototype arrives. This means you will have to win the favour of the city council and local heroes to gain high enough security. That will be no easy task. When you arrive seek out one they call Naaman. She will introduce you to a group of heroes that she leads called Forlorn Hope. If at any time you have trouble put a call out and they will answer. Good luck lieutenant.’ The officer patted Mannan on the back and left the room. 

Mannan opened the pack he had been given. On the front page it read his name rank number and an order to commit to memory and then destroy the pack. At the bottom of the page were two words that would change him forever. Never again would he be Neil Mannan, lieutenant in the Royal Signals.

Those fate-changing words were:

Swift Raid.

So there it is, what ya think?  ;D

Flame Fatale

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Re: Swift bit of fluff:
« Reply #1 on: 15 February 2005, 09:29:47 am »
Not bad Swifty, gave me something more interesting other than the news to read this morning anyway.....write some more now ;D


  • Proconsul
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Re: Swift bit of fluff:
« Reply #2 on: 15 February 2005, 10:24:19 am »

part 2 is in production, let's just hope for another slow day at work.  ;)


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Re: Swift bit of fluff:
« Reply #3 on: 15 February 2005, 12:26:36 pm »

part 2 is in production, let's just hope for another slow day at work.  ;)
You don't wait for slow days, you make them ;)

Oh yeah, nice work on the story :)
When eyeing a large and dangerous mob...
...A Tanker says, "Stay here while I distract them with my rock hard (granite) body."
...A Brute says, "Stay here while I let them kill me so I can kill them faster!"
...A Scrapper says, "Stay here while I.....ya know what, screw it---CHARGE!11!!1!!11!!1!!


  • Proconsul
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Re: Swift bit of fluff:
« Reply #4 on: 15 February 2005, 02:54:54 pm »
Here we go Part 2 as promised. 'Journeys'

The plane journey seemed like it would never end. He travelled with Pete Mathindale, a master driver in the Royal Logistic Core. He was a big man who had been the British army boxing champion for the last five years straight. The guy was well known for his punch and Mannan was not sure if even his martial arts skills could save him if Mathindale lost his temper with him. He was a quiet man, but a pent up rage was just visible behind the giant’s eyes, he didn’t seem to like to talk about his past much. Mannan had spent the last four hours talking to him and so far learnt that he was single and had grown up in a small town in Surrey with a foster family. Mannan gave up trying to talk to him and attempted to sleep again. He dreamed about his own family in London and knew he would probably never see them again. This sense of grief was the last thing he remembered before he finally slipped into a deep sleep.

Mathindale woke him just as the plane was starting to descend. The shaking of the plane was unnerving and always made him feel uneasy. He gripped the armrests and closed his eyes trying to think of something else. He remembered the last run he went on before they left for Heathrow airport. He remembered the wind on his face, fighting him back as he hit speeds that no human should do. He remembered the landscape sweeping away as he ran at full speed for the first time in public. He no longer had to hide his abilities. He would no longer be there for anyone to care. Since the implantation of the nano-tech in his system he had slowly been controlling them to adapt his body to push it further. He had already increased his running speed to just over twenty miles and hour and he knew that he would be able to push it further but it would just take time. He remembered suddenly feeling…nothing, nothing at all. Everything he had worried about, everything that had caused him stress or fear didn’t matter anymore. He was going to go to Paragon City. It was no longer a possibility, no more lying awake wondering if he would be picked. But there was more than that. He had been given to most important task while he was there. The success of the prototype, whatever it was depended on him achieving his objective quickly.

A sharp bump slammed him back to reality as the plane landed. He was here.

After finally getting out of the airport, finding out that no one had ordered the car and realising that neither of them had any money, Mannan and Mathindale started the long walk from the airport to Atlas Park where they would separate and go to meet their contacts. The walk was long and hard. Jet lag was starting to set in and the site of a town up ahead was a relief to them both. They subconsciously picked up speed, as the hope that was given to them by the prospect of a bed grew closer. That was when they noticed the smoke.

As the pair entered the town building were burning and possessions were living in the street. Here and there were burnt out cars and panicking people. Mathindale turned to Mannan. ‘Welcome to paragon City’ he said.

They walked through the town where they found a woman crouching over a pram. Several men in dirty clothes were pacing towards her. They had not noticed Mannan or Mathindale because their backs were turned. Manna turned to Mathindale, who nodded and they both ran at the street thugs.

Mannan caught the closest off guard with a kick to the base of the spine smashing him to the ground. He followed this with a sweep to take out the legs of another two. By this time the first had got up and was running at him. He reeled in shock as he saw the crazed look on the thug’s face. His face was constricted with a violent mixture of pain and rage, the veins bulging through the skin. The thug’s eyes were glowing an ill shade of bright green. Foam and spit was coming from the man’s mouth as he charged, screaming, at Mannan. He swung a twisted piece of lead piping above his head that was ready to make a harsh blow against Mannan’s skull. Almost on instinct, Mannan launched a full force kick to the man’s stomach following it with another to the face knocking him out.

Before he could look around to see where Mathindale had got to he felt a massive pain in the back of his head, and his vision started to go blurry. He struggled to stay conscious but he knew he was slipping. He could feel the nano-bots racing to repair the damage, his link with them now was almost to the point where he could control the totally. His head started to clear and as his vision returned he saw Mathindale surrounded by at least five more of the thugs. He rose to his feet and ran back to the fight.

He swept down two of the thugs and planted a kick to the leg of another. The sharp crack was a telling sign that this one would no longer play part of the battle. He launched a hard punch to the face of a thug to his left, followed by an elbow to the back of the head. A kick that knocked him to the ground put him out of action.

Mannan searched for his next target but could not find one. All that could be seen was a pile of unconscious bodies lying around the feet of Mathindale. The huge man had an embarrassed smile on his face that made Mannan smile. They turned to the woman who thanked them for saving her and her child and then ran off. This was good. This was what Mannan had joined the project for, helping others and making a difference. An overwhelming sense pride was flowing over him when he heard a voice, ‘erm…Mannan…. you might want to…’ Mathindale’s voice trailed off as manna looked up to see what he was talking about. More of the thugs had appeared, at least thirty of them.

‘Crap’ was all Mannan could muster as he prepared himself for a fight he knew would be hard.

Then the wall of scrap to the left of them disintegrated as an APC bearing the Paragon City Police Department badge crashed through to come to a quick halt in the centre of the road. Ten men burst out the back of it and started firing a mixture of web and beanbag shot. Pretty standard stuff for riot police really. It seemed to be working, the thugs were starting to back off and they broke into full retreat when the water cannon on the top of the APC came online. Once the thugs had gone the leader of the team approach Mannan and Mathindale, ‘Name’s Hardshaw, saw your fight, not bad, though you could use a hand.’ The sarcastic grin of this man looked like the kind that would be known throughout the town.

‘Yeah thanks’ Mannan replied.

The policeman came closer and asked, ‘What’s your names? I’m guessing your more capes turning up to help us out’

Mathindale turned to Hardshaw and said, ‘I’m Hard Strike, and this is Swift Raid. We need to get to Atlas Park, you know which way we need to go?’

Hardshaw smiled again and climbed on top of the APC. ‘I got room, jump in we can get you there in a moment.’

Finally, a bit of luck Mannan breathed in the air as he sat on the top of the APC as it sped down the streets towards Atlas. He had survived his first fight. He was now Swift Raid.

Let me know what you think

Flame Fatale

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Re: Swift bit of fluff:
« Reply #5 on: 16 February 2005, 09:14:03 am »
 Good reading  :) Never anything on the news as exciting as this ! :D


  • Proconsul
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Re: Swift bit of fluff:
« Reply #6 on: 16 February 2005, 12:13:27 pm »
thankyou. i will write some more but you will have to give me a bit.

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