Here is my first attempt at writing fluff for Swift. Feel free to pick it apart or suggest ideas for thing to add / remove / change. I hope to expand it for my own enjoyment but I thought I would post my first entry for you to get all vulture like on.
Be kind 
2Lt Mannan often did this, running down the roads and streets, before leaping high into the air, landing and continuing the run. The wind blasted on his face and his open jacket flapped violently in the rush as he approached the entrance to the training grounds.
After a quick shower and a change into his uniform he went over to the command building to get his orders. As he entered the command room someone shouted and the men and women at the consoles snapped to attention. They held the pose, the lights of the dark room flickering on their tired faces, until he had passed through and gone into the briefing room.
‘Ladies and gentle men,’ a loud voice boomed, ‘Now we are all here’ the hard face of the man at the front of the room glared at Mannan as he sat down at his place around the table. The man was Brigadier Jones, a tough welsh-man who had joined the army at sixteen and had known nothing since. He wore his issue DPM ‘95 uniform, perfectly pressed. His cap badge showed he was from Military Intelligence and he filled the room with his commanding presence.
‘The Prototype has left the lab and is on its way. It will still take a couple of months to get here, as it is not being given transport. It must make its own way here while under the protection of another member of the organisation. Upon arrival it will be immediately sent out to Paragon City start the field test. We must know if this new weapon can help us defend ourselves. The loss of Hero 1 has left Britain dangerously undefended and if the Rikti become to much of a problem to handle for our Friends across the water to handle we must have a way to deal with them.’
A silence flooded the room, as everyone knew what this meant. The brigadier started to pace the room
‘You are to leave immediately for America and then to Paragon City.’ The brigadier’s voice had a slight tone to it but Mannan could not workout what it was. ‘Once there you are all to make contact with the people who have been arranged to introduce you to the city and its problems.’
He glanced around the room and paused on each of them as if he was looking at them for the last time. This time when he spoke there was a hint of concern in his voice.
‘I wont lie to you, things are bad out there. The heroes are doing their best but this issue with the Rikti has got us worried. Be careful, get to know the city and make some friends. You will have about six months before the prototype turns up.’
He walked back to the lectern and started once more, this time his voice had returned to its normal deep, strong, powerful tone. ‘Your contact details and code name are in the packs in front of you’ this is what you were selected for and this is what you have been training for. Gain knowledge of the ground in Paragon and, when it arrives, protect the prototype at all costs. Good day people’
They all got up to leave and Mannan was just thinking about going for another run when he heard the brigadier voice call him back.
‘Yes Sir?’ he said as he approached the large officer. For the first time he noticed the many scars that crossed the man’s face, scars that could have only been gained in one hell of a fight.
‘While you are out there you will be our main agent. All the others will be given their own trials to prepare them, but you are going to do something a bit more than that.’ The old man paused for a minute, looking at the floor and then the wall. ‘We need you to enter the Rikti crash site and check it out before the prototype arrives. This means you will have to win the favour of the city council and local heroes to gain high enough security. That will be no easy task. When you arrive seek out one they call Naaman. She will introduce you to a group of heroes that she leads called Forlorn Hope. If at any time you have trouble put a call out and they will answer. Good luck lieutenant.’ The officer patted Mannan on the back and left the room.
Mannan opened the pack he had been given. On the front page it read his name rank number and an order to commit to memory and then destroy the pack. At the bottom of the page were two words that would change him forever. Never again would he be Neil Mannan, lieutenant in the Royal Signals.
Those fate-changing words were:
Swift Raid.
So there it is, what ya think?