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General Discussion / It's been a while...
« Last post by Prythos on 20 April 2019, 12:39:03 am »
And it may be a bit of a long shot but I was wondering who's about these days?

I was chatting to Alex/Jon (Carthis) earlier tonight and CoH came up and we reminisced a bit about the old days, which reminded me of the guild, which led me to Google etc etc.

I'm wondering how people are? It's been years since I've seen any of you (Cart aside, we're still close, still play co-op games a few times a week normally)

On my side I'm still married to Vicki (who I brought to a meet in 2011, I think) Two kids in tow now and settled in Newcastle.

With the "spiritual successors" to CoX being developed I'd like to think I'll be back in tights and a cape in the future, what say you? I doubt it will be the same as before but I'd like to hope. What I miss most is the days when we'd all get together and grind through a task force or two, it made for great time and great banter.

Anyway if anyone replies I'll be amazed, hope you are all well.
General Discussion / Re: This cracked me up
« Last post by Skarlet on 8 July 2014, 07:19:51 pm »
Now every time Rachel says "Eeek it's a bear", we all respond "In a hat!"
General Discussion / Re: This cracked me up
« Last post by Naaman on 8 July 2014, 06:30:04 pm »
The 'lost' footage from the end of the Pandaria trailer

(link to the original trailer in the tweet above it)
General Discussion / Re: This cracked me up
« Last post by Naaman on 19 April 2014, 11:21:59 am »
This should be awesome, in a really cheesy way

(Due for release August 2014)
General Discussion / Re: This cracked me up
« Last post by Monochrome on 16 February 2014, 11:07:01 pm »
OK, having done Rach's potential dream home, how about this for several people I know:
General Discussion / Re: The Phoenix Project
« Last post by Monochrome on 4 November 2013, 10:36:36 am »
678K and the KS is closed, not a bad effort.
General Discussion / Re: The Phoenix Project
« Last post by Monochrome on 30 October 2013, 12:47:33 am »
Nearly 514K pledged so we're getting up the stretch goals, hoping for the usual rush at the end to get a bit further up. Note they've added some extra add-ons.
General Discussion / Re: The Phoenix Project
« Last post by RipRend on 27 October 2013, 06:06:20 pm »
I also pledged.
Would be cool to see each other in game again.
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