Forlorn Hope

The Attic => General World of Warcraft Discussion => Topic started by: Magorian on 13 December 2007, 11:56:33 am

Title: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Magorian on 13 December 2007, 11:56:33 am
Aye and so it is a merry xmas season to all, we should really do something fun in guild since tis the season and all, any suggestions can be stuck here, come on and comment you know you want to

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Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Twylyte on 14 December 2007, 09:35:17 am
I am available the whole week between Xmas and the New Year - I'm in and fun and festivities to all.
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Paladinftw on 17 December 2007, 12:38:30 am
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Lol... couldn't find a more up to date picture huh? Lol 06 :P Ah well... I think it looks kinda funky :) Oh... an I'm in for any guild events that are suggested btw :)
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Paladinftw on 26 December 2007, 08:27:10 pm
I saw it said about guild events and things at the top so I thought i would just put up a few things that I would like and see what everyone else thinks of it.

I was wondering if we could get some sort of lower level instance runs going. By this I don't mean low low instances like DM as those are easy to get groups for, I was thinking for places like Scholo, BRD, Strat, places that are harder to find groups for. I have actually sat on LFG for BRD at level 53 for a whole day and have not seen anyone else come onto the list. So I think those would be good to get going since not only would it help all us mid-level characters level quicker, it would also help us get better gear for when we hit Outlands.

Another idea I was thinking about, but might be a little too hard, would be some pre-made pvp groups, just as a bit of fun. I know this may be a bit hard doing for levels below 70 due to everyone constantly progressing through the levels and all, but I think it would be a good thing to help people get more active within the guild and to help people make more friends within the guild.

Please criticise as you wish, I am open to comments and possible improvements that could be made. Also note that I am happy to join any activity as long as I am a high enough level to do so, and providing my internet connection is ok as I have instability issues with it some times.
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Swifty on 26 December 2007, 08:34:29 pm

Swiftstar is up for this. Being only 61 she is kinda in range and would mean that i get to do some stuff with you all =D

Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Paladinftw on 26 December 2007, 09:30:25 pm
Swiftstar is up for this. Being only 61 she is kinda in range and would mean that i get to do some stuff with you all =D

I didn't mean only level 50's, I meant other level ranges such as some of the 40's and 60+ as a friend of mine in our guild (Necromann) is always having trouble to find groups for instances and always annoys me and Neo with his whining about how he never gets groups xD

Mod: I had another thought, it would be cool to get some lower level raids going on such as Zul'Gurub and Onyxia's Lair. I know Onyxia's Lair isn't that low, and we would most likely still need some 70's with us, but it's still not level 70 which is cool and you get good drops :P

Also I know its not advisable and we would probably wipe, but I have an 'obsession' if you will with raiding Naxx and since the entry level to that is 60, I was thinking level 65's+ raiding it ^^

Naxx attunement quest requirements (for those that don't know and to give people more info to be able to comment me back on this :) ):

Honored - 5 Arcane Crystals, 2 Nexus Crystals, 1 Righteous Orb, 60 gold.
Revered - 2 Arcane Crystals, 1 Nexus Crystal, 30 gold.
Exalted - Tis all free. :)

Also I'm questing with the Argent Dawn atm out in WPL and EPL so if anyone wants to come quest with me to rep with them for this, I'm cool with that.

Still just thoughts and ideas, please comment me back :)
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Hercule on 27 December 2007, 08:25:47 am
Its a good idea as it will start giving people Raid experience as your leveling, rather than the batism of fire that you will get when we chuck you into kara or ZA.

Has Mark been bending you ear about naxxramas then?

we will see what we can sort out.

If you download GEM - Guild event manager - you can post what instance you want to goto in game and people can sign up who agree to help in said instance.

Most of us are happy to help in the lower instance - i mean hey most of us have enough alts to go in at the right level :D.
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Magorian on 27 December 2007, 01:34:48 pm
Since I may of been the only one to go in to naxx at 60, I think I should point out the difficulty involved in that this instance was ridiculously hard at 60 (I may of told you about a fight with 1 pull in the whole instance with spiders which did more damage to the raid group than the whole onyxia fight) and so is really only likely with a 25 man group.
 It does leave the option open for lower levels to come with us o older raids i.e. AQ20, ZG, Ony and possiby MC. The problem that we have is we are not a hardcore raiding guild which means raids are 3 nights a week and when a top level is given a choice between doing an instance where they can get loot and one where they can't, the choice is pretty obvious.
  Thats our only problem, I for one will do anything I can to keep everyone in the guild happy but the majority will win, maybe a one off event if planned properly could help out some?
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Hercule on 28 December 2007, 08:21:12 am
Please all remember that our Raiding days are Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays :).

BTW mags if you would like to grace us with your presence on sunday it would be much appreciated.

Paladinftw - during the day on sunday i will try to be available and get a few of us doing the old raids if you like. Maybe ZG or something since it doesnt need attunement and is quite fun. ( i know mags likes it)
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Paladinftw on 28 December 2007, 07:51:17 pm
Yay I got replies. ^^

Since I may of been the only one to go in to naxx at 60, I think I should point out the difficulty involved in that this instance was ridiculously hard at 60 (I may of told you about a fight with 1 pull in the whole instance with spiders which did more damage to the raid group than the whole onyxia fight) and so is really only likely with a 25 man group.
 It does leave the option open for lower levels to come with us o older raids i.e. AQ20, ZG, Ony and possiby MC. The problem that we have is we are not a hardcore raiding guild which means raids are 3 nights a week and when a top level is given a choice between doing an instance where they can get loot and one where they can't, the choice is pretty obvious.
  Thats our only problem, I for one will do anything I can to keep everyone in the guild happy but the majority will win, maybe a one off event if planned properly could help out some?

I would just love to do any raid,a nd with anyone, soley for the experience of raiding. I've watched Neo raid Kara before and would just like the chance to be doing something of that kinda (not difficulty... just yet anyway :P). Also, yea I've been told of the difficulty of Naxx, thats why when I was posting (and I should and added it to my post) I was thinking of Naxx for more level 65+.

Its a good idea as it will start giving people Raid experience as your leveling, rather than the batism of fire that you will get when we chuck you into kara or ZA.

Has Mark been bending you ear about naxxramas then?

we will see what we can sort out.

If you download GEM - Guild event manager - you can post what instance you want to goto in game and people can sign up who agree to help in said instance.

Most of us are happy to help in the lower instance - i mean hey most of us have enough alts to go in at the right level :D.

Paladinftw - during the day on sunday i will try to be available and get a few of us doing the old raids if you like. Maybe ZG or something since it doesnt need attunement and is quite fun. ( i know mags likes it)

In reply to Herc's replies. No Mark hasn't bent my ear over Naxx, lol. :P I just have an obssesion with the instance, dunno why, I just do. :P Also, I have GEM, and I think I'm on the KoM channel, well, I am as long as the chennel name is just KoM. :P And I would love to come raiding with you on Sunday, just, I have work at 3 and will hav to log off at about 2ish so I can get ready and leave so I am doubtful that I would be able to do it unless your up for it in the evening, but I only get in from work at around 9. :( And on Thursday I have work aswell, and on Monday I have my ski training so I can't make that night either. :(

MOD: With GEM, is it ok to post instance runs aswell so that we can pre-make groups for the run rather than having to chance it on the night with LFG?
MOD 2: I am also willing to re-spec for any raid. At the moment I am prot.
MOD 3: Could you put down some common items that everyone will need like amounts of potions and regeants for instances, as I have no clue. xD All I would do is buy like 10 health and mana potions and some regeants for my 3rd bubble (forgot the name :P).
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Hercule on 31 December 2007, 03:42:37 pm
MOD1: Yes you can put anything up there you need.

Mod2: No need to respec as yet, another pally tank would be cool, although we would also like healers too, but ultimately its up to you.

MOD3: You will need at least 200 Symbols of kings, 10xmana/health pots and 5 symbol of divinities.  and food for your preferences a stack of 30 will do.
Title: Re: It's christmasss!!!!!
Post by: Twylyte on 2 January 2008, 08:26:22 am
Naxx! Did someone say Naxx?