Hey all!
Just wanted you guys to know that i am taking a breather from WOW. I'm still going to arange the dungeons for you - but i wont be there to lead them.
My reasoning is that i have become too attached.
Saturday the 2nd Sept i was playing as my priest and recieved abuse from an x guildee about the way i play my character. This actually upset me! It shouldn't have it's only a game and who cares what other people out side the guild think.
But sadly it did hit a nerve. My solution is to chill away from the game. You won't see me this week. And i'm on holiday for 2 weeks starting next week. I think 3 weeks is enough to clear my attachment
Herclue will still be a round if you need him and you can always PM me here.
I posted this because i think eveyone does become attached to games and most don't even relize it - So if you play and some thing happens that upsets you - Remember it's just a game and take some time out!!